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Alexander Technique Lesson - What happens in a session

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 The Alexander Technique is a process of re-education which allows your body to function as it is meant to, rather than a therapy which is generally a passive experience,  (although most people find their lessons very therapeutic, as relaxing as a massage and you have learnt something new). Stress and tension ease as you progress.

It is taught on a one-to-one basis to enable your individual needs to be addressed. With a light guiding touch and verbal explanation you will learn about your posture, balance and ways to move your body more effectively with less tension and more ease.

The teacher guides you through the lessons so you can experience and restore in yourself a better overall natural balance. A subtle joyful sense of calm ensues, because you have reduced the unnecessary subconscious trying and doing that we all do. 

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Learning and experiencing the Alexander Technique from the very first lesson enables you to recognize and change certain habits, and as you learn this new skill you take away tools that help you with your individual area of difficulty. Each lesson is around 45 minutes long.

All you have to do is wear loose comfortable clothing and be prepared to take your shoes off. You are never too old to begin! 

The Alexander Technique is as radical now as it was in the 19th century when F M Alexander developed it during his experiment - on himself.

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Rather than learning new exercises you learn about how to move and think freely and naturally.

Why not give someone you love a lesson? Treat a friend to a potentially life-changing experience.